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.::life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon::. (Baked Keto Zucchini Fritters)

Been wanting to make a Keto Version of these for the longest time and finally managed to do so!

Once I started making these, I remembered WHY I’ve been waiting “for the longest time” to make them again.

All the squeezing of the water out of the grated Zucchini was just too exhausting! What a good exercise! 

However, these turned out exactly how I wanted them to be and I couldn’t be happier.

Plus, since they are baked, they were pleasantly-crisp without being cloyingly-greasy.

I do have to warn you though, since Almond Flour has no gluten in it, it will be kind of difficult for this mixture to hold together; it was slightly wet as well (I guess because you can never squeeze 100% of the water OUT of the Zucchini) 

So the crisp-ness of your Fritters will depend on how much water you managed to get out of the Zucchini in the first place.

I love the smell of these Fritters baking in the Oven, the Parmesan made it smell so good! (Might not smell as good as Bacon – NOTHING smells as good as Bacon! – but pretty good)

‘Baked Keto Zucchini Fritters’


4-5 medium Zucchini (approx. 5 Cups, grated & AFTER having the water squeezed out of them, so yes, it’s A LOT)

2 Tbsp. Flaxseed Meal

1/2 Cup + 1/3 Cup Almond Flour

2 Cups Grated Parmesan 

2 Tsp. Baking Powder

1 Medium Yellow Onion (very-finely-chopped – approx. 1 Cup) 

1/2 Tsp. Garlic Powder

2 Tsp. Salt

1/2 Cup Chopped Spring Onions

2 Large Eggs


Grate the Zucchini (I used a Food Processor), sprinkle them with a little salt to draw out the moisture and let stand for 10 minutes, then squeeze as much water out of them as possible (I placed them in Cheese Cloth before squeezing the bejesus out of them).

In a large bowl, place the Zucchini in, add the Flaxseed Meal, Almond Flour, Parmesan, Baking Powder, Onion,  Garlic Powder, Salt, Spring Onions and Eggs. Mix well.

Place the mixture in the Fridge to chill so that it firms up a little more. I put mine in a large bowl, with 4-5 Kitchen Towels covering the mixture (to absorb excess moisture even more); covered the bowl with cling film and let it chill in the fridge for 1.5 Hours.

Line a baking tray with Aluminium Foil and spray it with Non-Stick Cooking Oil. Make patties out of the Zucchini Mixture (I would recommend that you make the patties thinner, which will result in crispier fritters), I sprinkled a tiny pinch of Pink Himalayan Salt on each Fritter before baking and it turned out really well. They really need the extra salt after all and adding the salt on each Fritter ensures each patty is seasoned perfectly.

Place the Patties on the tray and bake (in a preheated Oven –  400°F/200°C) for 20 to 25 minutes. I didn’t even have to flip them halfway through and they turned out pretyy good.

Serve with a squeeze of Lemon and a dollop of Sour Cream and enjoy! 

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