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.::eat clean to stay fit; have a burger to stay sane::. (Thai-Fusion Salmon Burger Patties with Garlic-Chipotle Aioli on Portobello Buns)

‘When something is already pretty darn good, don’t add to it’ 

This is what I have learned when I made these ‘Thai-Fusion’ Salmon Burger Patties with Garlic-Chipotle Aioli on Portobello ‘Buns’ the first time around.

It was already SUPER DUPER AWESOME! 

But my conforming & nagging mind kept saying I should add Breadcrumbs and Greek Yogurt (in place of Mayonaise) because that’s what ALL the Recipes say! (To bind the mixture together & keep it moist)

And I ended up having to adjust the flavours again. 


So all I can say to all you Homecooks out there is:

Just trust your ‘Good Inner Chef’ instinct whenever you cook! 

Sooo…here’s the original version, no Breadcrumbs, No Greek Yogurt (only for the Sauce) simple & delicious! 

The best part is, I wasn’t into Ketogenic Lifestyle THEN (thus the Breadcrumbs)

But now I am. 





*angels singing and harps playing in the background* 

So here we go: 

‘Thai-Fusion’ Salmon Burger Patties with Garlic-Chipotle Aioli on Portobello ‘Buns’


Large Portobello Mushrooms 

Butterhead Lettuce

Fried Eggs 

[Eye-ball the amount for all of the above, depending on how many ‘Burgers’ you would like to make. You don’t have to eat all the patties in between Portobello Buns, they are delicious on their own]

Salmon Burger Patties 

1 1/2 Pound/680 Grams skinless Salmon fillets

1/4 Cup Finely-Chopped Spring Onion (White & Green parts)

1/4 Cup Very-Finely-Chopped Red Onion

1/3 heaped Cup Chopped Italian Parsley

1/4 Tsp. Cayenne Pepper

1 Tsp. Salt

1/2 heaped Tsp. Ground Pepper

1/3 Tsp. Fish Sauce

1/2 Tsp. Paprika

2 large Red Bird’s Eye Chillis

A squeeze or two of Lemon Juice

1 Tbsp. Chicken Stock (Test the overall flavour by frying a small amount to taste)

Garlic Chipotle Aioli (whisk everything well together until fully-incorporated)

1 very large clove of Garlic (very finely minced)

3/4 Cup Full Fat Greek Yogurt (or sub with Mayonaise for a more ‘High Fat’ impact)

3 Chipotle Peppers in Adobo Sauce (finely-minced)

1 Tbsp. Adobo Sauce

2 Tbsp. Olive Oil

Sea Salt & Black Pepper 

A squeeze (or 2, or 3 – taste and adjust) of Lemon Juice


For the Patties: Mix everything together in Food Processor. Use 1/4 Cup as a mould to measure each patty, flatten it a little & pan-fry on medium heat until golden brown on both sides. 

In the meantime, grill your Portobello Mushroom Caps until cooked through.

Build your Burger

Place some Butterhead Lettuce Leaves on the Portobello Mushroom Cap, followed by a Fried Egg.

Top it with a Salmon Burger Patty. Slather a generous amount of the Aioli and plop the other Mushroom Cap on top, sprinkle some sesame seeds on the Mushroom (optional but I think they really make this look like a ‘REAL’ Burger) and enjoy! 

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