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.::everything’s better on a stick::. (‘Bob Marley’ Oven-Grilled Pork & Bacon Shashlik)

One of the things I love to eat the most while I was in Germany was Shashlik! #leckerschmecker

(Other than Döner Teller mit Salat und Scharfe Soße, Laugen Brötchen & this Hell Bier –  picture below, I LOVE this Beer! It is the most ‘drink-able’ & refreshing Beer I’ve ever had!)

So anyways, back to Shashlik.

Shashlik or Shashlyk is a dish of skewered and grilled cubes of meat popular in Iran, Eastern and Central Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Hungary), the Baltic region in Northern Europe (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia), the Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia), Central Asia, Afghanistan, Israel, Iraq, Mongolia, Morocco, Pakistan, Turkey, and other places.’ #Wikipedia

And so this is my version of this popular skewered meat dish.

(I believe that it is traditionally made with Lamb, but you can also make it with Pork, Beef or Chicken)

‘Bob Marley’ Oven-Grilled Pork & Bacon Shashlik

(As mentioned, this is a ‘Bob Marley’ Shashlik because it comes with Red, Yellow & Green Paprika #yesiknowitsalittlelamebutidoncare)

See what I mean??
Rastafari Bob comes to mind!


2.5 Lbs (approx. 1.2 KG) Pork Neck/Shoulder (cut into 3 CM cubes)

Red, Yellow & Green Paprika (cut into approx. 3 CM Squares)

Red/Yellow Onions (cut into approx. 3 CM Squares)

Smoked Streaky Bacon


1 Cup Dry Red Wine (I used Merlot)

7 Oz (approx. 200 Grams) Tomato Paste

1 Tbsp. Spicy English Mustard

1 Tsp. Salt

1 Tsp. Ground White Pepper

1 Tsp. Paprika

1 Tsp. Smoked Paprika

5 Cloves Garlic – crushed with the back of the Knife.

2 Large Yellow Onions – cut into ‘Half Moons’

1 Bay Leaf

2 3/4 Cups (approx. 660 ml) Sparkling Water/Soda Water (I used 2 x 330 ml Cans of Soda Water)


In a large pot (with a lid) mix all the Marinade Ingredients (except the Bay Leaf, in case it tears) and whisk well until fully-incorporated. 

Place the Pork Cubes in it and place the Bay Leaf in last. Ensure that all the Pork pieces are fully-immersed in the Marinade.

Cover the pot with the lid, refrigerate and let marinade overnight or up to 24 Hours.

I marinated mine for approximately 24 Hours.

Thread meat onto metal skewers (or wooden skewers), alternating with Red, Yellow, Green Paprika, Bacon & Onion Squares. 

Set your Oven into Grill Mode and preheat to 375°F/190°C.

Put the Skewers on a baking tray, place it in the closest rack to the Grill element on the top of the Oven & grill for around 25 to 30 Minutes or until the meat are thoroughly cooked but still moist and juicy and everything is slightly charred (I like the flavours the char brings). 


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