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.::the key to eating real chinese food is, don’t ask what it is::. (Kung Pao Chicken)

One of my earliest (& fondest) memories of a Kung Pao dish seems like such a distant memory now; it must have been more than 20 years ago when I first came to this Sunny Island called Singapore (although it seems to be quite gloomy these days with the frequent downpour and castdown skies)

I just moved here then and one of our favourite dishes (Mummy dearest and I) was this ‘Kung Pao Scallops’ at this Chinese Restaurant at Royal Plaza on Scotts (I think it used to be called Crowne Plaza then) – not sure if it’s still on the Menu or if the Restaurant still exist in the first place – but their ‘Kung Pao Scallops’ was OUT.OF.THIS.WORLD. 

I came up with this Kung Pao Chicken Recipe while trying to re-create that Spicy, Sweet, Sticky, Aromatic & DELICIOUS Sauce today but instead of using Scallops, I used Chicken instead (look at the price tag on each and you know why) and I think I came pretty close. #yeay

Kung Pao Chicken


500 Grams Chicken Breast cut into 1/2-inch Cubes

15 Dried Chillies (please adjust according to taste) – cut & dry roasted

1/2 Cup Cashew Nuts/Peanuts – dry roasted

3 Large Cloves of Garlic, finely-minced

1 Tbsp. Grated Ginger

1/8 Cup chopped Spring Onions


1 Tbsp. Soy Sauce

2 Tsp. Chinese Cooking Wine

1 Tsp. Mirin

2 Tsp. Corn Starch


1 Tbsp. Chinese Black Vinegar

2 Tbsp. Chinese Cooking Wine

1 Tbsp. Dark Soy Sauce

3 Tbsp. Light Soy Sauce

2 1/2 Tsp. Light Brown Sugar

1/4 Tsp. Sesame Oil

1/8 Tsp. White Ground Pepper

1/2 Tsp. Crushed Szechuan Peppercorns

3 Tsp. Corn Starch


Marinate the Chicken Cubes for at least 20 minutes (I marinated mine for 1 Hour today) then fried on a hot wok until 80% cooked. 

Fry the Garlic & Ginger in heated (2 Tbsp.) Peanut Oil. Add the dried Chillis. Add the Sauce and let it simmer on medium heat. 

Add the Chicken Cubes back in the Pan. Add 3/4 Cup of Chicken Stock + 2 Tbsp. Water. Cover pan with lid and let simmer until Chicken Cubes are cooked thoroughly. 

Lastly add the Cashew Nuts and sprinkle with the Spring Onions just before serving and enjoy! 

P.S.: I usually double the Sauce Recipe, ’cause I can’t get enough of it! You’d want to do this once you have the sauce on a bowl of hot fluffy white rice as well. I usually eat this on its own or in Lettuce Cups.

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